Dr. Hecker has been invited to speak at

January – March 2024

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Master in Arts Management 2024

17 February and 23 March

Luiss Guido Carli LLM

Art Law

20 February

Ordine degli avvocati di Roma

Corte di cassazione. Corso di diritto di beni culturali

Announcing the Second Edition on the Course on Due Diligence for Artworks:

Gestione dell’Attività di Due-Diligence dell’Arte. Corso di Perfezionamento, Università di Pavia.  Read more

New Essay:

Sharon Hecker e Michelle Vanzetti, “L’« originale » nell’arte come concetto mutevole nel tempo e nell’ambito della sua attuale tutela”  Arte e diritto, n. 1, 2022.  Download 


The article “Reati contro il patrimonio culturale e responsabilità degli enti: questioni interpretative e suggerimenti pratici” by attorneys Luca Troyer and Melissa Tettamanti for the journal Diritto penale commerciale cites The Hecker Standard® as the recommended model for conducting due diligence for artworks. Download

It provides an antidote to rushed, superficial or incomplete due diligence on art objects.

Conversazioni in arte e diritto

chapter “Arte e processo: il problema dell’”originale” nell’arte e della sua tutela. Variazioni del concetto di ‘originale’ nel tempo” (co-written with Michelle VANZETTI)


Posthumous Art, the Market and Art Law: The Afterlife of Art

Sharon Hecker and Peter J Karol, EDS. Routledge, 2022

Utilizes an evidence-based, best-practices approach to conducting due diligence on art objects.

Lowers the risk of selling, buying, or exhibiting an artwork that is inauthentic or incorrectly attributed.

Facilitates productive working relationships between art-historical scholarship, conservation science, the art market, and art law.

Art appraisers, art collectors, art dealers, auction houses

Art advisors, museum staff, art fair organizers

Art foundations, artists’ archives

Art lawyers, art mediators

Art arbitrators, judges in art-related cases

Cultural property ministries and governing cultural bodies

Le opere d’arte e le collezioni: Acquisto, gestione, trasferimento

by Giuseppe Calabi, Sharon Hecker, Raffaella Sarro and Angelo Busani

in La Biblioteca di Wealth Management, Angelo Busani, ed.Wolters Kluwer, 2020

We Wealth Art Guide Book

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